I have always struggled putting on false lashes… until WildRose Beauty came into my life! That may sound like a complete ad, but you guys, I am serious– these lashes are magic!

I’ve taken a break from wearing lash extensions and currently I’m trying to grow out my natural lashes, so I’ve been applying vaseline every night to help with growth, as that has helped me in the past.

Of course, there’s days when I still want to go out and wear a pair of falsies to enhance my features, and I was beyond excited when WildRose Beauty asked to collaborate with me.

I was sent two pairs of silk lashes and a 2-in-1 eyeliner + lash adhesive. Yes, you read that correctly, a 2-in-1 eyeliner + lash adhesive exists and it is amazing. I have never applied lashes so quick until I used this magic tool! Don’t believe me? See for yourself in my Youtube video where I show you guys how I applied the lashes and how they look on.

Don’t forget to hit that like + subscribe button!

What I love about these lashes are that they are handcrafted and made with premium silk, because silk is known to be the best material for it’s health benefits– it is breathable, lightweight (which is truly a game changer), naturally hypoallergenic, and high frequency.

I’ve tried on lashes in the past that would weigh down my eyelids and feel heavy throughout the night, and by the time I would get home, all I would want to do is rip off those lashes right away. What I love about these silk lashes are that they are super lightweight so you don’t feel any heaviness on your eyelids, nor do the lashes irritate or bother me throughout the night.

The eyeliner + lash adhesive duo is so easy to use, and it truly saves so much time from having to apply liquid glue, which we all know can also get very messy, and if you mess up… the struggle IS REAL.

I would highly recommend checking out WildRose Beauty. Support small businesses and shop online today! I promise you guys won’t regret these lashes.

uniwigs hair extensions rEVIEw

When Uniwigs sent me their hair extensions to play around with, I was beyond excited. I changed my hair colour from being blonde to bronde… it definitely is more on the brunette side now. After being blonde for so long, I needed a break and to take care of my hair from the damages it’s been through.

With that said, my hair has never felt healthier. And since I changed my colour, I no longer could use my previous extensions, and so Uniwigs reached out to me at the perfect time. They chose the colour of my extensions from viewing my Instagram feed, and they were point on. So amazing, right?!

I was so happy to see that they sent me not only one pair of their clip-on extensions, but also their ponytail extensions! I have yet to try the ponytail extensions, but once I do, I will definitely post the pictures on my Instagram page.

Here’s what the extensions that I did try on look like:

The before is my regular hair length, and you can definitely tell how the length is much more longer in the after picture. I love how the colour blends so perfectly with my hair colour.

The extensions were super easy to apply. Each piece has a clip on it. You’ll need to section your hair according to how many pieces you’re going to put in and based on that you can give yourself a fuller look or keep it natural, like I did.

I definitely will be trying the ponytail version soon and I’ll keep you updated on how that looks! In the meantime, to view more on how these extensions look, you can watch my Instagram Reel. The extensions I am wearing are called the Sophie 16, invisible human hair clip extensions in colour G-6 light brown.

I highly recommend checking out Uniwigs hair extensions, and the team was kind enough to send me a discount code to share with my followers! Use code ‘DAVNEET’ to save 15% when you purchase uniwigs.

Follow Davneet Dhillon on Instagram, Youtube and TikTok for more Fashion, Lifestyle and Travel!


Hi guys! I am so excited to write this blog post because I have finally tried a blackhead removal scrubber and.. it works wonders!

ANLAN gifted me their popular scrubber which helps cleanse your pores and remove blackheads. This is such a great and affordable device to invest in, and it saves you money from having to go get facials to remove blackheads. I wanted to use this product for a month before writing a review, as it gave me time to really see the results.

I’ve been using my scrubber at home once a week and have noticed such a difference, especially around my nose area where I have typically have blackheads. My nose has never felt more smooth after the last month of using this product. I use skincare products every day, including moisturizing my skin everyday, using serums and toners and I use face masks frequently. However, because blackheads are trapped in your pores, it is more difficult to have them removed so I would usually go for removal appointments and get facials.

Now that I’ve been using my ANLAN Scrubber, I haven’t gone for an appointment in a month! This saves me the time and money, and instead I’m able to take care of my skin in the comfort of my home. Prior to using this, you want to make sure your face is damp, I washed my face and left it damp. Throughout the process, I used toner and finished with serum.

The Ultrasonic Skin Scrubber is super easy to use and I highly recommend investing in this product, you won’t regret it! It comes in pink, green and white and, you can use my code ‘DAVNEET’ to save 20% off on your purchase.

Check out my video on Instagram on how to use this scrubber.

PS: Be sure to use the spatula on the scrubber in the opposite direction when using ION- and EMS mode. *My video way is incorrect! It will be more effective to use the opposite way!

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas: Quarantine Edition

With a pandemic going on and an uncertainty of when we’ll go back to to normal life, let’s be sure to celebrate Mother’s Day an extra special this year. Some of you may be fortunate to be at home with your moms during this time like I am, and others may be distanced due to COVID-19. Hang in there, we’ll get through this. And for those isolating, you can still celebrate those special women in your life via Facetime or Zoom.

Typically when I create these gift idea blog posts, the majority of the time you’d have to go out and about to get them. Since we’re all practicing self-isolation, shopping for Mother’s Day gifts will have to be done from the comfort of your home.

If you’re planning on ordering gifts online, be aware that your packages can get delayed, even if you’re ordering weeks ahead of time.


For The Mom Who Misses Going Out:

If your mom misses going out to her favorite restaurant, shopping at her favorite store, and getting pampered at her favorite salon, give her all the experiences she’s missing at home!

Order in from your mom’s go-to restaurant if they offer take-out, or re-create her favorite meal at home. Get her a gift card as well because let’s face it, your cooking probably won’t compare to the real deal experience from her favorite restaurant, and you’re supporting a local restaurant so that’s a win-win situation. Don’t forget to make happy hour drinks for your mom!

Image via Design Improvised

Does your mom like to shop a lot? Is she always making a trip to the mall? Get her an online gift card to her favorite store and let her pick out new summer outfits, even if she’s wearing them to sit in the living room. Let the woman glam up!

This is one gift that your mom is guaranteed to love: AT-HOME SPA DAY! You might be singing “I’m a slave for you,” (*Britney Spears voice*) all day long, but it will all be worth it to see her smile. Give your mom an at-home facial, manicure while she sips on her tea or mimosa, or a massage while you play spa music in the background. These are things that she will definitely appreciate. And if your mom is still working like mine, definitely give her a relaxing massage, afterall, she needs it.

Image via Pinterest

For The Mom Who Loves Her Sweets and Tea

Set up an at-home high-tea with your mom. Support your local bakeries and order a couple of sweets or a cake and surprise your mom with a beautiful homemade tablescape full of sweets, tea, and fresh florals.

If you live in the lower mainland, Sweet Avenue Bakery is selling high-tea and sweet boxes, available in two sizes. This is a perfect one-stop-shop for all you need to set up a high-tea morning with your mom.

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Image via Sweet Avenue Bakery

For The Mom Who Loves To Travel

This will pass and when it does, your mom is going to LOVE (and need) a vacation, like the rest of us.

Order travel accessories that your mom can look forward to using in the future, such as a personalized tote, passport cover, beach hat, new scandals, or even a new beach-themed bathroom set to make her feel like she has something to look forward to every time she goes to the bathroom!

Personalized Beach Tote from Etsy

For The Mom Who Loves To Relax 

Self-care and relaxing purchases are always a great idea. Self-care gifts can include face masks, facial creams, a good book, teabags, or essentials from Saje Natural Wellness.

Relaxing items can include a new lounge chair for the patio or meditation cushion that your mom can use while enjoying the outdoors during this time. Other items such as a cozy robe, diffuser, candles, and bath salts are gifts that will definitely help relax your mom.

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Images Via Pinterest

You can even surprise your mom with a picnic set up outdoors and if it’s a beautiful day out, pretend you’re on a vacation with your mom. Put on some music, give her a margarita and sunglasses and enjoy the outdoors!

There are tons of other gifts you can find on Amazon and for more inspiration, Pinterest! I hope everyone has a wonderful Mother’s Day and hopefully next year we can take our moms out and about!

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blogger – Keep up with Davneet Dhillon on Instagram.

How Therapy Has Changed My Life + Ways I Deal With Anxiety

Anxiety is something I’ve dealt with my entire life since I was a child, only I didn’t know what ‘anxiety’ was back then, and to tell you the truth, it’s only been about a year since I’ve actually come to terms with what it is and learned how important mental health is. I am now at the point in my life where I embrace my anxiety and understand the tools to cope with it. Which is why I am writing his blog post, to help others who experience anxiety.

In my younger years, I definitely experienced a lot of anxiety. I was brought up in a happy home life, but that doesn’t mean certain things won’t happen to you or you won’t go through things that change you completely. A lot of us can say we’ve had something happen to us or witnessed something that’s changed us, and that’s exactly how I feel.

Fast forward a couple years, and I shut my feelings out. If my best friends are reading this, they’ll know that I had good days and bad days, and that’s because when you go through something or get anxious, certain things or words can trigger you. It wasn’t until one of my best friends’s really opened up my eyes on the subject of mental health. I used to walk around thinking that I’m totally fine or, “shopping is therapy, who wouldn’t be happy buying that purse?.” SO NOT TRUE!!

Materialistic things will only make you happy temporarily, and I learned that the hard way. Sure having nice stuff makes me feel good, but if I’m anxious about something, no expensive item can trick my brain into thinking that I’m really ok and expect me to be happy forever. Life just doesn’t work like that.

I pushed away my anxiety and taught my brain to not think about it, and that will f*** you up. It’s tough, I completely understand that. It’s so tough feeling a certain way and not being able to talk about it. There’s a whole stigma behind mental health— if you’re in bed all day, people will think you’re lazy, you don’t hang out with your friends or family members for weeks or months, it’s because you’re anti-social. This can become very overwhelming. But If there’s one thing I am 100% sure about, it’s that hiding from your truth won’t make anything better.

Last year, I noticed myself getting upset constantly and wanting to break out of this bubble that I was stuck in. Accepting anxiety was a part of me was the biggest struggle I faced. And so I decided to see a therapist, and that changed my life for the better.

Therapy has taught me how to be in control of my life. All my life, I felt I was in the passenger seat, unable to speak my mind, unable to share my truth, incapable of expressing my true emotions, and after months and months of therapy sessions, I am finally in control— I am the driver.

It’s not easy sitting for an hour and expecting your therapist to make you feel better after 3 sessions, and sometime’s you may not connect with the first therapist you visit. I had to pay a lot of money to go to therapy, and I didn’t have any benefits, so what I earned from my self-employed job was going straight to my therapy sessions, and if you had told me this years ago, I would’ve without a doubt said, no thanks, I’d rather drink a bottle of wine and vent to my friends about it.

Now, as I sit here and write this, I can say that I’ve changed so much. The amount I’ve grown from my first therapy session makes me so proud. I’ve learned to put my mental health first and to be mindful, (if you go to therapy, you know how important this word is). I’ve learned to stop giving in to toxic energy and that it’s ok to cancel plans, it’s ok if you don’t want to do something that doesn’t make you happy, and most importantly, it’s ok to say NO. You don’t owe anyone an explanation. If you don’t want to go to a certain event because it gives you anxiety, don’t go. I’ve finally learned to be in control of my life and it is the best feeling ever.

There are days where I still get anxious but because of therapy, I now understand how to cope and ways to calm myself down. I can’t tell you how to cope with your anxiety, but I can give you an insight into ways I’ve dealt with my anxiety and mental health.

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Stop Overthinking. Definitely easier said than done. But this is such an important one. You can’t waste your energy on toxic people. Don’t let someone ruin 24 hours of your day because of a little comment that took them 10 seconds to type. Don’t overthink your conversation from a week ago and analyze what you could’ve said instead, the conversation is over, move on.

We get so caught up in giving our energy where it’s not needed. This is something I work on to this day, but when I catch myself doing this, I immediately know what I have to do— go on Pinterest. When I’m feeling down, or in a bad headspace, I go to my private Pinterest board that I have created, which is filled with tons of positive, spiritual and growth quotes that instantly help with my mood. 

Journal/Write It Down. I had to get used to doing this one but it’s helped so much. And there are different ways to do write down how you’re feeling. I’ve had prompt journals, Pour Your Heart Out by Gayle Forman is a good one, which allows you to express yourself with topics already curated. You can always find topics online as well and get an empty journal to write in.

Keep in mind, you don’t have to write out a story of what you’re going through, if you do, that’s completely fine, but for those who struggle with saying what’s on your mind, try writing out words instead of sentences. Scribbling one word on a piece of paper 100 times and then ripping it up is even helpful, been there done that.

Excercise. Going to the gym has always been my happy place. Working out includes no distractions, so sweating out your anger or sadness can sometimes help. Even going for a trail walk or hike is a way to re-charge yourself. Surrounding yourself with nature is always a good idea.

Talk About It. This is so important. Whether it’s a family member, your best friend, significant other, or therapist, talking about it can help. However, be careful who you open up to. To support someone dealing with severe anxiety, just listen without judgment.

Not everyone understands what anxiety is and I’ve learned that there are some people I can open up to and some I can’t, and that’s completely ok. No one is ever being “dramatic” about their anxiety or “over-exaggerating,” please remember that.

There are just a few tips. There are so many other ways to help make yourself feel better when you’re down— take a bath, listen to music, binge-watch a show, hang out with people who make you happy or go for a drive. 

I’ve even tried a CBD (natural) oil from Birch + Fog Wellness and that’s been so helpful. It keeps me not only motivated throughout the day, but also calm and focused. Click here to read my blog post about CBD Oils for Anxiety.

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Let’s take care of our mental health. 

Fashion, Travel & Lifestyle Blogger – Keep up with Davneet Dhillon on Instagram.

Tofino Vlog + Pacific Sands Stay

Hi loves! I had the most amazing weekend getaway with my boyfriend to Tofino, B.C. We were so lucky to have this last getaway before things got worse with the virus and before we had to practice self-isolating.

For our first-time visiting Tofino, we did a ton of research prior to going, in terms of what to expect, where to stay, restaurants to go to and the 5-hour drive to get to our destination.

From Surrey, we took the ferry from Tsawwassen to Duke Point, Nanaimo, which was about 2 hours, and another 3 hours from Duke Point to Pacific Sands, Beach Resort, where we stayed.

I would highly recommend staying at Pacific Sands as it is so cozy, right on the beach, (a private beach to those staying at Pacific Sands), and the rooms are large. See the complete room tour in my Tofino Vlog.

My Favourite Places to Eat in Tofino:

  • Shed Tofino (Best margarita and burgers!)
  • Shelter Restuarant (The outdoor patio has the coziest seating area and it’s open late!)
  • Tacofino (I had it twice and it is hands down the reason I will go back to Tofino! The original Tacofino food truck.)

What to do in Tofino:

  • Hiking + Trails
  • Surfing
  • Walk around the local shops and support small businesses
  • Bear + Whale watching tours
  • Sit on the beach, have a picnic, take a bottle of wine and watch the sunset

For more things to do in Tofino, visit Tourism Tofino.


Follow Davneet Dhillon on Instagram for more fashion, travel and lifestyle posts!